Stronger Self Series

TNW Long Porch Home 2Young Adult Chapel

The founder and President of True North Works, Matt Edison, led a 156 person High School Mission Trip for three years, 2017-2019. Aside from being at the top of Maine for a week during July doing service work for elderly living in their homes on limited means, everyone on the trip willingly went to daily Mass and attended a daily evening Chapel service that Matt led. There were more than a handful of young adults that returned from that trip changed people for the better. And each year the trip was oversubscribed with more clamoring to go. What if the Chapel service, fun, faith and self-education, was available throughout the school year? What if young adults could have a 250 person community of like-minded people that met every three weeks that wanted something more from life than getting ready for college and spending hours on their phones? Starting Fall 2023 Matt is launching a free Young Adult Chapel series for 250 young adults designed around discovering and developing a stronger sense of self for each person.