TNW-Matt-Edison-Head-Shot-850.jpgPresident True North Works:

Is passionate about solving the problem of young adult mental health. From being a chaperone and then for three years leading a High School Mission Trip for 156 participants he came into close contact with the joy, talent, kindness and energy of young adults that is many times hidden behind silent suffering. He saw first hand how young adults came to the trip sometimes reluctantly and then were clamoring to come back the next year. He saw first hand how young adults came to the trip sometimes reluctantly and then were clamoring to come back the next year. He saw some literally transformed into healthy positive people in a lasting way. What he realized is that the trip was an experience that stripped away that which anchored the young adults and chaperones in old damaging behaviors and gave them permission and support to discover, or re-discover, their best selves and to develop that new relationship in a supportive environment. The trip was in truth a giant Wire Around Tool that helped temporarily wire their brains in such a way that they could discover and develop a relationship with their best selves. Matt believes this concept of Wire Around Tools can be expanded to help everyone everywhere and especially young adults.
